An inclusive match featuring Special Olympics athletes held in Kazan

An inclusive match featuring Special Olympics athletes held in Kazan
Date of publication:

An inclusive match featuring the Special Olympics athletes was held as part of the “Nashi Parni” (“Our guys”) car tour across the Republic of Tatarstan organised by the Russian Football Union. The movement’s representatives played along with the renowned football players – Diniyar Bilyaletdinov, Ruslan Pimenov, Dmitry Sychev, Dmitry Khlestov. Before the game, ex-players of the Russian national team did some warming-up and shared their experience with the young athletes.

“We want the kids to have some fun and learn the football basics. That is what we will do today,” said Dmitry Sychev.

Olga Pavlova, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, and Albert Salikhov, Chairman of the Committee for Physical Culture and Sport, delivered the welcoming speeches. “Great players are on pitch today. The atmosphere is literally “electric”, good teams came together. It is by now a good tradition to have matches for children of different health levels,” commented Olga Pavlova.

Press office of the ANO “Directorate for Sports and Social Projects”