XX “Altyn minbar” Kazan International Film Festival

XX “Altyn minbar” Kazan International Film Festival
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Official website of the Festival

On September 6-11, 2024 the Tatarstan capital will be hosting the “Altyn minbar” Kazan International Film Festival.

About the Festival

The “Altyn minbar” Kazan International Film Festival has been held in the capital of Tatarstan since 2005. The first edition was organized on the initiative of the Russia Muftis Council, Federal Agency on Culture and Cinematography of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of the Rais (Head) of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The unchanging motto of the film festival “Through the dialogue of cultures –to a culture of dialogue” appeals to the representatives of different nationalities and countries, who treats the festival as a platform for cultural exchange and dialogue. The festival program selects the best films of the Russian and world cinema, calling for goodness, peace and justice, regardless of the author’s confession. The selection panel and jury feature outstanding people of art – film directors, cameramen, film scholars from all over the world.

The international community is taking growing interest in the Kazan Film Festival. The number of participants and submitted films increases year after year. The first festival featured 40 films from 12 countries, while the XIX festival gathered over 700 applications from 44 countries.

The festival is organized by the ANO “Directorate for Sports and Social Projects”, State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan “Tatarkino”, Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation” of the Republic of Tatarstan and OOO “Kinofest”.